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Workers Revolutionary Party: All Stories

· Editorial: CWU Reps demand action while the leaders equivocate 0150702013-08-02Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘NO WAY IS THIS INDUSTRY GOING TO BE PRIVATISED’ 088502013-08-02Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: AFL-CIO opposes US-Colombia trade deal – Colombian workers are being denied their rights096202013-08-01Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Manning faces long jail sentence as US demands return of Snowden091702013-08-01Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: LEWISHAM HOSPITAL CUTS JUDGED ILLEGAL!070402013-08-01Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘CWU must call an indefinite national strike to defend Royal Mail’082502013-07-31Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: PEACE TALKS BEGIN WITH ATTACK ON RAMALLAH DEMONSTRATORS081202013-07-31Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘We will appeal!’ –as High Court rules Bedroom Tax for disabled is legal0113002013-07-31Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: TRIBUNAL CHARGES BEGAN YESTERDAY087002013-07-30Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Unions act now against NHS cuts065302013-07-30Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘Al-Sisi’s “permission” is a deadly poison’ INDEPENDENT TRADE UNION LEADER FATMA RAMADAN WARNS EGYPTIAN WORKERS085802013-07-30Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: NHS 111 ‘an abject failure’081502013-07-30Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘We will never stop fighting for Detroit and its workers’ – says AFSCME leader098802013-07-29Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Forward with the Egyptian revolution070702013-07-29Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: No Crown Post Office closures!065002013-07-29Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: JAPANESE IMPERIALISTS FLEX THEIR MUSCLES 098702013-07-27Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: CWU reps to decide on national strike ballot – as all 371 Crown Post Offices strike on Monday075102013-07-27Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: Huge increase in leukaemia and birth defects in Iraq0112802013-07-27Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: Abbas rejects Israeli proposal for Confederation with Jordan instead of a state091302013-07-26Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: McCluskey’s surrender not enough for the Tories! 093302013-07-26Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: TRIBUNAL FEES A DENIAL OF JUSTICE!0110602013-07-26Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: G4S guard who fatally restrained boy is promoted to H&S manager0606702013-07-25Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Stop the A&E closures! End the £50bn of NHS cuts! Defend the NHS by bringing down coalition!079102013-07-25Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: McCluskey surrenders! before a shot is even fired070202013-07-25Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: AMERICA IS NO LONGER THE POWER IT WAS! says defiant Hezbollah leader Nasrallah080302013-07-24Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: DEMPSEY'S FIVE DEADLY OPTIONS068702013-07-24Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Labour special conference to attack the unions!079502013-07-24Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: BANGLADESH GOVERNMENT STILL DENYING WORKERS FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS says ITUC078202013-07-23Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Scandal-hit government steps up attack on unions068602013-07-23Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: UBS fined for mortgage mis-selling093802013-07-23Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: BT ACCUSED OF AIDING DRONE STRIKES086102013-07-23Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ISRAEL-PALESTINE TALKS TO BEGIN WITHIN ‘A WEEK OR SO’ says Sec Kerry082102013-07-22Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: US workers and youth won’t tolerate racist murders075202013-07-22Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘THE BIG SQUEEZE IS ON 9 MILLION HOUSEHOLDS’099602013-07-22Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ATHENS WORKERS MARCH & DEFY EU-GREEK JUNTA082202013-07-20Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: DETROIT GOES BUST – Democracy suspended! says US union leader Saunders0106002013-07-20Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: MOTOR CITY GOES BANKRUPT – UNIONS DENOUNCE ORR POWER GRAB! 0105102013-07-20Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: GREECE ON THE BRINK! 095902013-07-19Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘EDUCATION IS NOT A CONVEYOR BELT’ NUT leader Christine Blower condemns plans to conveyor belt ‘secondary ready’ children089802013-07-19Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘We won’t accept closures!’ says FBU leader Matt Wrack073202013-07-19Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: 50,000 MARCH IN ATHENS! – as part of one-day general strike088602013-07-18Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: British capitalism bankrupt, backward and stuck at the bottom!074702013-07-18Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: CROWN POST OFFICE MASSIVE STRIKE ACTION075902013-07-18Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: The Serious Crime Agency is involved in Afghan ‘Kill List’ – legal proceedings issued in the High Court0101202013-07-18Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: A THIRD OF YOUTH THINK THEY HAVE NO CHANCE OF GETTING A JOB! ‘Revolution the only way’ say YS0109102013-07-17Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Benefit cap to be lowered by £6,000 say Treasury officials 092202013-07-17Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘Special measures’ against NHS070702013-07-17Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: NO TO PAY CUTS ‘SLEIGHT OF HAND’079602013-07-16Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Reject Hunt’s hit squads – act to defend the NHS 078502013-07-16Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: BENEFITS CAP HITS POOREST071902013-07-16Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: McCluskey praises Miliband while Crow calls for a new Labour Party at the Durham Miners Gala094102013-07-15Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Portuguese economic and political crisis reaches explosion point! 097502013-07-15Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: HOME OFFICE WANTS TO SEND ROSE TO HER DEATH0106602013-07-15Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘We are putting up gallows for you’ – Greek workers tell MPs0106802013-07-13Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: NO OPTION BUT TO STRIKE! – say the teaching trade unions 067302013-07-13Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: SARIN GAS SHELLS USED BY SYRIAN OPPOSITION!079902013-07-13Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Durham Miners’ Gala must demand a General Strike! 096702013-07-13Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: CWU proposes ‘not for dividend company’ – instead of organising for strike action to stop Royal Mail privatisation0111602013-07-12Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Action needed to stop them smashing the NHS 074202013-07-12Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘We must stop the A&E closures’ – Doctors reply to Nicholson088802013-07-12Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: MANNING WAS UPSET BY THE PLIGHT OF IRAQI CIVILIANS – witness for the defence testifies084802013-07-11Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Action needed to defeat Royal Mail privatisation093202013-07-11Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: CWU is to be recognised for just three more years says Business Secretary Cable088602013-07-11Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: GREEK LOCAL GOVERNMENT WORKERS OCCUPY098202013-07-11Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: 82% of midwives work unpaid overtime – ‘We desperately need 5,000 more midwives’ says RCM leader0291202013-07-10Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Miliband wants to break with unions so Labour can form a national government with the Tories 071202013-07-10Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: CABLE PREPARES TO PRIVATISE!079702013-07-10Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Miliband rats on the unions079402013-07-10Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: KERRY RETURNS TO MIDDLE EAST, DESPERATE FOR A PEACE DEAL085902013-07-09Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: AMCU rejects corporatist agreement with SA bosses098302013-07-09Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: TEACHERS SLAM NEW TORY CURRICULUM092902013-07-09Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘There was no lawful justification for my son’s killing by the police’093502013-07-08Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Banks tremble at the thought of the end of Quantitative Easing096402013-07-08Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: FBU fighting pension cuts!073202013-07-08Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘AZELLE RODNEY EXECUTED!’ – AN UNLAWFUL KILLING0101602013-07-06Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: LABOUR – DANCING TO A TORY TUNE – IS ATTACKING THE TRADE UNIONS 086702013-07-06Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: UK grants immunity to Israeli army chief095702013-07-05Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Having removed Mursi, the Egyptian masses will march forward to socialism 089502013-07-05Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: £14.4bn BLACK HOLE THREAT TO 70,000 MORE JOBS!075302013-07-05Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘The Obama administration is afraid of the people’ – Snowden099702013-07-04Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: US piracy forces down Bolivian plane in search for Snowden0111102013-07-04Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘WE’RE NOT BORDER GUARDS’ – say doctors’ leaders yesterday096602013-07-04Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: Muslim Brotherhood has failed forever – says Syria’s Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi0114902013-07-03Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Forward to a workers and small farmers government in Egypt 0117502013-07-03Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Planet without a visa! – Putin turns his back on brave whistleblower Snowden0113202013-07-03Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: Armed scabs in US ports battle0107902013-07-02Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Send ex-Goldman Sachs Carney packing074102013-07-02Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘THE BEDROOM TAX IS CAUSING REAL CHAOS!’088502013-07-02Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: CHASE FARM A&E AND MATERNITY TO CLOSE with nothing to replace them – says Enfield Council0114102013-07-01Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Recall CWU conference to sack the leaders and call strike action! 083302013-07-01Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: PAYDAY BLOODSUCKERS!077602013-07-01Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: CQC NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE says BMA069002013-06-29Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Overthrow Government keep hospitals open! say Greek medical workers0100302013-06-29Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: The biggest fall in living standards since 1931!081202013-06-29Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: Greek government’s aim – to gag TV workers0103802013-06-29Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: Union leaders denounce Osborne’s spending review – but call no action to bring down the Coalition!078602013-06-28Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: BALLS AGREES WITH THE TORIES!068002013-06-28Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Tens of thousands of teachers strike – ‘We are defending education’075502013-06-28Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘This government is all about vilifying Teachers' NUT LEADER CHRISTINE BLOWER TELLS RALLY0135102013-06-27Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Desperate Osborne swings the axe as the capitalist crisis deepens078802013-06-27Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Osborne imposes ‘Welfare Cap’084002013-06-27Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: Threat by the Egyptian Defence Minister to call out the army!094002013-06-26Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: BMA has shown the way – now all trade unions must take action to defend the NHS 082602013-06-26Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘RESIST CUTS & PRIVATISATION!’ Decides BMA conference in Edinburgh0107102013-06-26Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: SOUTH AFRICAN WORKERS TAKING ACTION OVER JOBS & WAGES073802013-06-25Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Central Bankers warn of new financial crash 076902013-06-25Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: NO CONFIDENCE IN HUNT! BMA votes for repeal of Health & Social Care Act0112102013-06-25Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: HEZBOLLAH FIGHTS WITH HONOUR IN SYRIA – while Cameron seeks to encourage Syrian military coup!085802013-06-24Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: MILIBAND PRAISES ATTLEE BUT PLANS TO BURY THE WELFARE STATE099102013-06-24Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Occupiers won’t quit ERT090802013-06-24Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: This BMA ARM must decide on action to defend NHS! – by Anna Athow095802013-06-22Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: COALITION TO TAKE THE AXE TO COUNCIL SPENDING AND END ‘RING-FENCING’083702013-06-22Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Forward to a workers government in Greece0105702013-06-22Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: US, TURKISH AND JAPANESE WORKERS UNITE TO FIGHT CAPITALISM!0116902013-06-21Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Brazil and Bernanke give banks the shivers!099902013-06-21Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘OVERTHROW JUNTA!’ GREEK WORKERS READY TO ACT0107302013-06-21Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘SYRIA WILL ALWAYS BE INDEPENDENT AND FREE’ – SAYS ASSAD085402013-06-20Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Brazil erupts as social revolution hits South America0118002013-06-20Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ERT FIGHT AT CRITICAL STAGE075802013-06-20Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: NO WORKER CAN BE JAILED FOR GOING ON STRIKE! – say the Eygptian trade unions0150102013-06-19Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: UK flees Afghanistan – and sacks 4,500 troops 066102013-06-19Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘A Victory at ERT’ – workers determined to bring down Samaras083802013-06-19Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: Call a general strike to overthrow Samaras! – demand Greek TV & radio occupiers097602013-06-18Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Labour sells out on state education063302013-06-18Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ACADEMIES EVERYWHERE UNDER LABOUR!– while teaching unions cover-up067502013-06-18Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: BRIGHTON REFUSE WORKERS ARE STRIKING AGAINST MASSIVE £4,000 A HEAD PAY CUTS!0152702013-06-17Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: ‘Moderate anti-extremist’ seeks talks with US066302013-06-17Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘Overthrow dictatorship!’ – say Greek workers and soldiers083802013-06-17Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Hague, Cameron will join Obama’s war on Syria075602013-06-15Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: 40 years since the UK drove the Chagos Islanders from their homes0107302013-06-15Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ERT OCCUPATION IS A CENTRE FOR THE GREEK REVOLUTION!0101902013-06-15Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: GREECE IN REVOLUTION!099702013-06-14Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: THE SPARK THAT STARTED A REVOLUTION! 089602013-06-14Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: AMCU READY TO SERVE 48-HOUR STRIKE NOTICE ON LONMIN!092302013-06-14Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: FEEDING THE HUNGRY IN THE USA! – letter carriers collect 743 million pounds of food!092002013-06-13Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: OVER A MILLION PENSIONERS ARE NOW WORKING073002013-06-13Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: GREEK RADIO & TV HAS BEEN OCCUPIED – General strike called and Greek riot squads massing0109802013-06-13Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘Disabled rights and entitlements snatched away’097502013-06-12Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Turkish workers confront state forces084102013-06-12Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: US prepares no-fly zone over Syria 077502013-06-12Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: COALITION CUTS TARGET DISABLED082002013-06-11Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Debt crisis requires social revolution 066802013-06-11Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: Bedouins rally against Negev expulsions071902013-06-11Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: US-UK spying scandal – Hague to make statement0106002013-06-10Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Spooks fear revolution072702013-06-10Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘WE WILL PROTECT OUR FIRE SERVICE’ –pledges FBU general secretary Matt Wrack0107502013-06-10Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: COALITION POLICY IS TO FINANCIALLY COLLAPSE LOCAL AUTHORITIES 071402013-06-08Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: IRAN MUST ATTEND ANY GENEVA CONFERENCE – insists Russia072402013-06-08Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: AUTHORITIES FACE FINANCIAL COLLAPSE – DEFEND JOBS & SERVICES!075402013-06-08Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: LEGAL AID CHANGES ARE UNLAWFUL –finds leading QC Michael Fordham0100202013-06-07Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Miliband adopts Osborne’s programme to smash Welfare State! 074502013-06-07Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: 90,000 Kenyans executed – £19.9m compensation095302013-06-07Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Miliband turns Tory!081102013-06-07Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: France and UK want air strikes after Assad’s victory at Al-Qusayr 074402013-06-06Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: CAMERON SEEKING A ‘SWEATSHOP BRITAIN LOW WAGES AND NO RIGHTS’ – Kenny tells GMB Conference0102302013-06-06Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Victory for Syrian troops065802013-06-06Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: NUT & NASUWT TO TAKE STRIKE ACTION068502013-06-06Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Turkish workers strike – as deputy PM Arinc apologises062502013-06-05Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Don’t let them drive the trade unions out of politics 070602013-06-05Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: CANADIAN SCHOOL WORKERS TO STRIKE AGAINST 5-YEAR PAY FREEZE072202013-06-05Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘There has been a shift in the balance of power in favour of the armed forces' – says President Assad 066402013-06-04Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Ed Balls ending Universal Benefit 073802013-06-04Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: THREE-DAY GENERAL STRIKE IN TURKEY088702013-06-04Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Means tests for pensioners says Balls062802013-06-04Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘There has been a shift in the balance of power in favour of the armed forces' – says Assad 071402013-06-03Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: TURKISH MASSES SERVE NOTICE ON ERDOGAN 073702013-06-03Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Council executives in luxury while: WORKERS STRUGGLE!070202013-06-03Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: OFT have never fined a single payday lender! 076102013-06-01Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ACCEPT PRIVATISATION OR BE SACKED! NW London NHS pathology staff told0225302013-06-01Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: PALESTINIAN WORKERS SLAM CHECKPOINT ‘HUMILIATION’0100402013-06-01Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: IRISH UNIONS FACED WITH ‘DRACONIAN ANTI-UNION LEGISLATION!0123302013-05-31Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: SYRIA IS WINNING!062602013-05-31Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Syria refuses to give way to imperialism071802013-05-31Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: EU IS SET TO SLUMP - OECD recommends Quantitative Easing0117202013-05-30Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Museums taking strike action084602013-05-30Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: RUNNING SCARED OF YOUTH AND REVOLUTION! 087302013-05-30Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: US-Israeli scheme for Syria ‘in its last throes’085802013-05-30Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Osborne reveals new 10% cuts, while Duncan Smith volunteers to put welfare to the sword 066002013-05-29Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Huge Welfare cuts –Duncan Smith proposals condemned069902013-05-29Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: QATAR ACTING LIKE 21ST CENTURY SLAVE STATE –TUC demands re-run vote for 2022 World Cup tournament0170802013-05-29Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: SYRIA TO GET S-300 ANTI-AIRCRAFT MISSILES 062802013-05-29Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: HAGUE STOKES UP WAR ON SYRIA062902013-05-28Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Boom-time for bailiffs097602013-05-28Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: BEDROOM TAX EVICTIONS!0111102013-05-28Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ROCKET ATTACK ON BEIRUT ‘WARNING TO HEZBOLLAH’ says ‘The Free Syrian Army’068302013-05-28Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: Public hearings into 200 unlawful killings in Iraq084402013-05-27Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: IMMIGRANT CHILDREN HELD IN GREEK JAILS!099402013-05-27Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Tories plan cap on GP visits!081702013-05-27Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Tories and Labour get ready for more state repressions 064702013-05-27Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: 200 UNLAWFUL KILLINGS – will be the subject of Public Hearings0100502013-05-25Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘GPs – patients champions!’068402013-05-25Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: GPs angry at cuts and NHS privatisation0113402013-05-25Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Obama champions murdering Americans abroad! 068102013-05-25Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: STOCK MARKETS CRASHING WORLDWIDE! 072902013-05-24Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: UNITE’S RESPONSE TO HEALTH SELECT COMMITTEE INQUIRY! – PART TWO076202013-05-24Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘NHS IN DANGER’ – Buckman rejects ‘Hunt rubbish’059802013-05-24Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Powerful Copland picket081402013-05-24Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: UNITE’S RESPONSE TO HEALTH SELECT COMMITTEE INQUIRY!089002013-05-23Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ULU students march075502013-05-23Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: STOCKHOLM YOUTH UPRISING097002013-05-23Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: TIME TO PUT THE TORY LIBDEM COALITION OUT! 063902013-05-23Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: NORTHERN RAIL STRIKE VOTE AGAINST CASUALISATION078002013-05-22Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘KEEP ROYAL MAIL IN PUBLIC SECTOR’ – but unions refuse to strike against privatisation082302013-05-22Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Miliband’s Labour saves Cameron government 073802013-05-22Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: TRAVEL SAFE WORKERS LOCKED OUT!063802013-05-21Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘Israel directly supports the terrorist movements’ – says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad080102013-05-21Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: No confidence in Gove by heads 060902013-05-21Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: 54,000 youth DNA tested!064202013-05-20Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Tory split looms as King warns on new housing disaster 066702013-05-20Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: DEFEND NHS WITH OCCUPATIONS AND A GENERAL STRIKE! London marchers tell News Line0117902013-05-20Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: TUC ‘stands ready to assist FBU’ – O’Grady tells FBU conference084502013-05-18Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Defend the fire service with occupations, strike action and a general strike 079102013-05-18Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: MURSI ‘IS A TOTAL FAILURE’ – millions sign Tamarod ‘Rebellion’ petition0115002013-05-18Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Reformists and Stalinists seek to break Greek teachers’ struggle 070202013-05-17Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: NAKBA DAY OF RAGE – over 1948 Catastrophe079402013-05-17Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: RBS ‘brutal sackings’ condemned – while ‘Turning point’ want to sack 2,600077002013-05-17Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: South African socialist revolution underway!080402013-05-16Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: TORIES CAUSING NHS CRISIS063802013-05-16Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: STRIKES & SUICIDES CONTINUE AT THE FOXCONN FACTORY 0135202013-05-16Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Obama and Cameron’s heart eating allies 085102013-05-15Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘The first time that workers from all over Egypt have come together on strike’0103102013-05-15Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: GREEK TEACHERS FIGHT CONSCRIPTION!0115102013-05-15Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: UNIONS MUST ACT TO DEFEND HOSPITALS073402013-05-14Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: A&E closures cost lives077502013-05-14Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: UK TAX HAVENS SCANDAL067202013-05-14Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Firefighters plan to strike079802013-05-14Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: STOP NHS STAFF CUTS – says Safe Staffing Alliance091302013-05-13Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Smash the Bedroom Tax with a general strike!0100602013-05-13Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: DEATH TOLL PASSES 1,100 – in the Rana Plaza disaster096702013-05-13Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: SA: costly private care for privileged – second-rate care for everybody else077102013-05-11Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: RMT STRIKE ACTION VOTE0142202013-05-11Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Build the Fourth International all over the EU – Forward with the European Socialist Revolution!083102013-05-11Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘WE WILL HELP LIBERATE SYRIAN GOLAN’ – HEZBOLLAH079202013-05-11Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: CQC head demands thousands of NHS bed closures!078102013-05-10Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Assad seeking ‘strategic response’ to Israeli attack077702013-05-10Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: CYPRUS AND ISRAEL ‘THE START OF NEW BILATERAL RELATIONS’078402013-05-10Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: KERRY CALLS IN STALINIST BUREAUCRACY TO ‘RESOLVE’ SYRIAN CRISIS 093902013-05-09Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: BUS WORKERS MARCH THROUGH JOHANNESBURG070402013-05-09Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: TORIES PLAY RACE CARD – as Queen’s Speech lashes workers083902013-05-09Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: QUEEN’S SPEECH WALKOUT! – by angry PCS members090002013-05-08Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: Abolish the mountains of debt with revolution!092202013-05-08Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: PORTLAND DOCKERS FIGHT LOCKOUT084802013-05-08Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: EU in crisis – forward with the European socialist revolution 092802013-05-07Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘Land swaps must be on equal basis’ – insists Fatah, as Israeli line hardens068602013-05-07Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: Syria’s neighbours condemn Israel’s attacks – while ‘rebels’ use Sarin gas080902013-05-07Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Editorial: ISRAEL JOINS AL QAEDA IN ATTACKING SYRIA 070302013-05-06Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: MANY FAMILIES AT BREAKING POINT!092502013-05-06Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: ‘MARIKANA’ EVICTIONS TOOK PLACE ON MAY 1!082302013-05-06Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· News: ‘Life-threatening’ failings – in BMI private hospital083302013-05-04Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Feature: POLICE CHIEF KNEW MARIKANA OPERATION ‘WOULD INVOLVE BLOODSHED’0100802013-05-04Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend

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